Schoolyard Greening Program
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)
What does it fund?
Tree planting and environmental improvements in child-accessible spaces such as K-12 public school campuses and nonprofit childcare facilities. These projects invest in nature-based climate solutions that deliver multiple benefits.
Who is eligible for funds?
Cities, counties, qualifying districts (including school districts), and nonprofit organizations (including nonprofit childcare facilities receiving government funding) in urban areas are eligible to apply.
How does this program provide benefits to priority populations?
This program funds projects in in-need educational facilities and benefits priority populations by increasing shade and improving environmental conditions. In-need educational facilities include school sites located in disadvantaged communities or low-income communities, school sites in which 70% or more of the students are eligible for free or reduced-price meals, and school sites with an unduplicated students count of free/reduced-price meals, English learners & foster youth of 70% or more per California Department of Education’s data.
How do I access funds?
Apply through a statewide competitive process.
Funding Timeline
No additional funds are available at this time.
Cumulative Statistics
This is a new program and has not yet implemented any GGRF funds.