Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program

California Strategic Growth Council (SGC)

What does it fund?

Affordable housing loans and other capital grants for housing-related infrastructure, sustainable transportation infrastructure, transportation-related amenities, and related programs.

Who is eligible for funds?

Local agencies, public housing authorities, redevelopment successor agencies, transit agencies and operators, regional transportation planning agencies, local transportation commissions, congestion management agencies, joint powers authorities, school districts, facilities districts, university or community college districts, developers, program operators, and federally recognized tribal governments.

How does this program provide benefits to priority populations?

At least 50 percent of funds are invested in and benefit disadvantaged communities (with project location determined by the site of the affordable housing development). Project scoring and selection takes into account community engagement during the development process and how the project addresses community-identified needs.

How do I access funds?

Apply through a statewide competitive process.

Funding timeline

Round 9 applications are expected to open when the Notice of Funding Availability is released in March 2025. Check program website for updated timeline information and application materials.

Project Profiles

Read stories of projects funded by this program.

Cumulative Statistics

As of November 30, 2023

$4,478.8 million allocated

$1,932.9 million implemented

$1,672.0 million benefiting priority populations

3,590,596 MTCO2e estimated GHG emissions reductions

140 projects implemented

2023 Achievements

Reporting Period:
Dec 1, 2022 - Nov 30, 2023

$424.6 million implemented

787,022 MTCO2e estimated GHG reductions

118 full-time equivalent jobs reported

$425 million benefitting priority populations

2023 Benefits to Priority Populations

32% benefiting disadvantaged communities

68% benefiting low-income communities

Other Expected Benefits

2,413 housing units funded, of which

2,288 are affordable housing units

1,897,553,929 vehicle miles traveled reduced