The Volvo Low Impact Green Heavy Transport Solutions (Volvo LIGHTS) project aims to get cleaner trucks on the road to transport goods from ports to the Inland Empire. This project includes 23 zero‑emission battery electric trucks, 29 off‑road battery electric tractors, and 58 Level 2 and direct current fast chargers.
Woodsmoke Reduction Program Provides Efficient and Cost-Effective Heating
Restoring Coastal Wetlands and Upland Habitat in Santa Barbara County
The North Campus Open Space (NCOS) project is restoring 54 acres of diverse coastal wetlands and upland habitat of native plants and grassland in Santa Barbara County. This restoration will increase Santa Barbara County’s coastal wetlands by 11 percent, which in turn will help adapt the coastal community to sea level rise by protecting inland infrastructure.
New Greenspaces Help Grow Community Connectivity in Coachella
Urban Wood Rescue Project Trains Youth and Sequesters Carbon
No-cost Energy Upgrades Serve Low-income Farmworker Households
Mrs. Rojas and her family now have a solar photovoltaic system and energy efficiency upgrades in their home, including a high efficient air conditioning system, new windows that minimize heat transfer, a smart thermostat, and other measures that reduce energy costs while improving the comfort and livability of their home and its resiliency to climate change.
Free Transit Helps Students DASH to Class
The City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) is providing free, safe, and reliable transportation to students across Los Angeles. The “DASH to Class” program allows all K-12, college, and vocational students with a Student Reduced Fare pass to ride free on LADOT Transit’s DASH buses—even for non-school related trips.
High-Speed Rail Project Prioritizes Co-Benefits and Sustainable Construction Practices
Cultivating Healthy Soil Practices in Chico
Chico Flax LLC developed its healthy soils project in collaboration with California State University and the Chico Department of Agriculture to use the 3.75-acre parcel as a regional prototype of sustainable flax production. They coupled the $10,700 grant funds from CDFA with a $5,000 cost-share to implement the three-year healthy soils project.
Raisin Processing Facility in Kingsburg Benefits from Energy Efficiency Upgrades
Replate, Inc. Matches Surplus Food with Communities in Need
Reducing Emissions and Providing Jobs Through Glass Recycling in Victorville
Low-Emission Tractors Reduce Air Pollutants in the San Joaquin Valley
Collective Biogas Operation Reduces Emissions from Multiple Central Valley Dairies
Calgren Dairy Fuels (CDF) is the first California dairy digester pipeline cluster that upgrades dairy biogas to biomethane for utility pipeline injection. It is currently the only one of its kind in California, and with 20 digesters serving 22 dairies, it is the largest collective dairy biogas operation in the country.