
High-Speed Rail Project Prioritizes Co-Benefits and Sustainable Construction Practices

High-Speed Rail Project Prioritizes Co-Benefits and Sustainable Construction Practices

The High Speed Rail Authority continues to use the cleanest equipment available to reduce its emissions, plant trees near the rail line to sequester carbon, and create jobs to provide opportunities and job skills to disadvantaged workers.

Expanding the Wholesale Produce Market Recovery Program in Los Angeles

Expanding the Wholesale Produce Market Recovery Program in Los Angeles

Food Forward, which recovers produce and makes it available to hunger relief agencies in eight southern California counties, is expanding its Wholesale Produce Market Recovery Program. With the help of California Climate Investments, Food Forward will open a new “Produce Depot” near the wholesale produce market in downtown Los Angeles and double its food recovery capacity. In addition to fighting food insecurity in southern California, the project will benefit disadvantaged communities and the environment by supporting jobs and combating climate change.