In the heart of California, the San Joaquin Valley is a region where agriculture is not just an industry but a way of life for many. CARB’s Funding Agricultural Replacement Measures Emissions Reductions (FARMER) Program funds transformative initiatives that foster the adoption of innovative farming techniques, integrating advanced agricultural technologies, and promote community engagement and has been making monumental steps towards more sustainable agriculture across the valley.
Tulare Cross Valley Corridor Zero Emission Bus Expansion
California State Transportation Authority
With $20,262,000 from CalSTA’s Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program, the Tulare Cross Valley Corridor Zero-emission Bus Expansion Project is supporting the development of the long-planned east-west Cross Valley Corridor mixed freight and passenger bus and rail system.
Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Project Delivers Cleaner Air in San Joaquin Valley
Visalia-Fresno Shuttle Serves Students, Travelers, and Residents
Deep in California’s Central Valley, the small City of Visalia took a big step when it started its Visalia-Fresno Shuttle Project in November 2015. The five-stop “V-line,” part of the Visalia Transit system, has a stop for everyone – students headed to Fresno State University, travelers bound for Fresno Yosemite International Airport, even visitors off to see Fresno’s leafy Courthouse Park.
Collective Biogas Operation Reduces Emissions from Multiple Central Valley Dairies
Calgren Dairy Fuels (CDF) is the first California dairy digester pipeline cluster that upgrades dairy biogas to biomethane for utility pipeline injection. It is currently the only one of its kind in California, and with 20 digesters serving 22 dairies, it is the largest collective dairy biogas operation in the country.
Dairy Digester Program Expands Student Research Opportunities and Supports Jobs
The digester projects provide substantial environmental benefits by improving local air quality. Replacing the open-air lagoons of waste with a covered lagoon digester reduces manure-related emissions. Also, utilizing the methane in near-zero emissions natural gas vehicles replaces diesel vehicles and reduces NOX emissions by an estimated 90%.
Clean Mobility Options Connect Rural Communities with Reliable Transportation
Building Affordable Housing and Transportation Improvements in Dinuba
As early as this summer, Sierra Village will offer 44 affordable homes with easy access to bike lanes and sidewalks in the rural community of Dinuba. This apartment rental community will not only bring an affordable housing option to hardworking low-income families, but it will also feature a vanpool program and other transportation improvements, solar and water conservation features — all of which are designed to reduce GHG emissions.