Resources for State Agencies Administering GGRF-funded Programs
Funding Guidelines for Agencies Administering California Climate Investments
Administering agencies must use the Funding Guidelines to develop effective programs and demonstrate compliance with program requirements.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) developed the Funding Guidelines to provide direction for agencies that administer California Climate Investments so they design and implement their programs in a way that:
Facilitates greenhouse gas emissions reductions;
Meets statutory requirements;
Maximizes and benefits to disadvantaged communities;
Targets investments to disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-income households to help ensure statutory investment minimums are met or exceeded;
Provides accountability and transparency; and
Supports consistency across programs.
The Funding Guidelines assist administering agencies in program implementation including guidance on preparing an Expenditure Record, developing guidelines and solicitation materials, and reporting outcomes from funded projects.
Reporting and Data Tools
CARB developed these quantification and reporting resources to support California Climate Investments programs and projects in complying with reporting requirements as outlined in the Funding Guidelines and transparently estimating GHG emissions reductions, benefits, and other information.
California Air Resources Board
Administering agencies are required to prepare an expenditure record documenting how their investments will further the purposes of Assembly Bill 32, contribute to achieving greenhouse gas emissions reductions and other health and environmental co-benefits, and meet other statutory requirements. View sample templates and submitted documents.
California Air Resources Board
Benefit Criteria Tables are used by administering agencies and applicants to identify the priority populations that will benefit from the project, and determine how the project will meaningfully address an important community or household need and provide a benefit.
California Air Resources Board
Administering agencies must use CARB tools to develop effective programs and demonstrate compliance with program requirements. Resources on this page include quantification methodologies and calculator tools for estimating GHG emissions reductions and co-benefits; benefit criteria tables for determining benefits to priority populations; and reporting templates for reporting outcomes.
California Air Resources Board
Methods for evaluating project co-benefits for projects, including jobs, air pollutant emissions, travel cost savings, vehicle miles traveled, energy and fuel cost savings, water savings, soil health and conservation, and heart and lung health.
California Air Resources Board
Agencies must submit project and program information through the California Climate Investments Reporting and Tracking System (CCIRTS), an online tracking tool.
California Air Resources Board
This user guide provides administering agencies with step-by-step guidance on how to report in CCIRTS.
California Air Resources Board
Explore the impact of California Climate Investments, including estimates of greenhouse gas emissions reductions, benefits from project investments, data on the benefits to priority populations, and program achievements.
Additional Resources for Administering Agencies
California Air Resources Board
The Legislature and Governor appropriate money from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) to State agencies through the Budget process. View dollars made available to State agencies for California Climate Investments programs.
California Air Resources Board
Definitions and more information about commonly used terms in the California Climate Investments Funding Guidelines and other materials.
California Air Resources Board
Guidance for grantees and contractors implementing California Climate Investments projects and programs around the state to ensure brand and messaging consistency.
Dive into the Details: Program Design and Administration Resources
Programs employ diverse strategies across sectors to reduce GHG emissions and deliver major economic, environmental, and public health benefits for Californians, including meaningful benefits to the most disadvantaged communities. Explore promising practices, case studies, tools, guides, and more to learn about effective strategies for administering and designing programs in ways that advance the goals of California Climate Investments.
This page provides ideas and resources to consider when planning and conducting public outreach and community engagement.
Learn about program and project evaluations and view examples of completed evaluations.
Topics covered on this page include supporting workforce development and employment opportunities, California Climate Investments jobs reporting, and programs and projects funding workforce development.
Learn how to identify priority populations and access resources to help deliver benefits and advance equity and environmental justice.
Explore resources that can be used to provide technical assistance in a way that advances equity and builds community capacity to secure funding and implement projects that can help reverse past disinvestment.
View the Funding Guidelines for Agencies Administering California Climate Investments and additional resources referenced in the Funding Guidelines.
Resources to Share with Potential Applicants, Current Grantees, and Other Interested Parties
Administering agencies have an important role in expanding access to funding opportunities. Use and share the following tools to help the public stay engaged in California Climate Investments.
California Air Resources Board
View upcoming California Climate Investments funding timelines, public participation opportunities such as workshops, public comment periods, listening sessions, and more.
California Air Resources Board
An interactive resource that guides Tribes through narrowing down which California Climate Investments funding opportunities might be a good fit based on your Tribe’s needs and priorities.
California Air Resources Board
Current opportunities to participate in identifying areas for improvement of existing materials and ideas for tools and resources to help achieve the objectives and principles of California Climate Investments.
California Air Resources Board
Subscribe to the newsletter and read past newsletters in English and Spanish.
California Air Resources Board
Community Connections is a tool to help organizations and agencies find partners interested in California Climate Investments. Partnerships ensure that project proposals reflect the perspectives needed to build resilient communities and implement meaningful investment.
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