Jose, a senior citizen whose home is located in Southern California, was having difficulties paying his electricity bill. The final straw came one day in April 2016 when he received a notice from Anaheim Public Utilities stating that his electricity service would be disconnected if he did not pay his overdue balance of $292.57 by close of business—a situation that led him to seek assistance.
He immediately visited the City of Anaheim as well as a local community center. Both places referred him to the Community Action Partnership of Orange County (CAPOC), where he was able to access the help he needed.
"I was struggling to pay my bills and I’m a senior,” he said. “I am glad there are services available to help me."
CAPOC helped Jose take advantage of the Low-income Weatherization Program (LIWP) an energy efficiency program administered by the State’s Department of Community Services and Development with funding from California Climate Investments to install a variety of energy efficiency measures, solar photovoltaics and solar water heater systems in low-income households located in disadvantaged communities.
Through the LIWP program, Jose received a wide range of weatherization and energy efficiency measures including duct repair and replacement, LED night lights and replacement bulbs, power strips, a new refrigerator, door repair, door replacement, and weather stripping.
"I come home and my home is comfortable,” he said. “The work done to my house makes me feel more secure."
Additionally, CAPOC supplemented LIWP measures and installed health and safety measures, including a carbon monoxide alarm, a smoke alarm, and replaced an aging window.
"The window replacement and all the work done were not expected! Everyone was really nice,” he expressed with gratitude."