The Mission Heritage Plaza project is using $16.8 million to help local partners build 71 new energy-efficient, affordable homes in downtown Riverside. The project will also plant over 200 new trees, provide two miles of new bike lanes, and create a multi-modal transit hub that links local and regional transit systems in one convenient location.
Electric Tractor Demonstration Supports Market Development and Pollution Reduction
Project Clean Air, Inc., in collaboration with several partners, is implementing the San Joaquin Valley Electric Tractor Development and Demonstration project. Supported by $1.5 million in California Climate Investments funding, the project’s goals are to design, customize, develop, and test the first all‑electric agriculture tractors with in-field mobile charging supporting electric Class 6 trucks in California. By demonstrating the functionality of this fleet of electric vehicles, this project will help create a market for electric agricultural and freight equipment.