
Comprehensive Manure Management at Hanford Dairy Achieves Multiple Benefits

Comprehensive Manure Management at Hanford Dairy Achieves Multiple Benefits

Dairy farmer Lucas Wilgenburg improved the manure management on his Hanford, California facility, Wilgenburg West LLC, using a $342,207 grant from California Climate Investments awarded by the Alternative Manure Management Program.

Alternative Manure Management Approaches in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties

Alternative Manure Management Approaches in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties

Where the redwoods meet the sea in Northern California’s Humboldt and Del Norte counties, Blake and Stephanie Alexandre, fourth-generation dairy farmers, received a $750,000 grant from CDFA to implement an Alternative Manure Management project.

Improving Efficiency and Reducing Emissions through Alternative Manure Management

Improving Efficiency and Reducing Emissions through Alternative Manure Management

Dennis DaSilva is a second-generation California dairy farmer whose parents began the family’s first dairy farm in 1983 with 150 cows. The $375,000 grant has allowed Mr. DaSilva to replace an existing solid separation system with a new, more efficient manure separator and concrete pad. Separated manure is dried and composted on the concrete pad and is then used for bedding and fertilizer for forage crops.

Electric Tractor Demonstration Supports Market Development and Pollution Reduction

Electric Tractor Demonstration Supports Market Development and Pollution Reduction

Project Clean Air, Inc., in collaboration with several partners, is implementing the San Joaquin Valley Electric Tractor Development and Demonstration project. Supported by $1.5 million in California Climate Investments funding, the project’s goals are to design, customize, develop, and test the first all‑electric agriculture tractors with in-field mobile charging supporting electric Class 6 trucks in California. By demonstrating the functionality of this fleet of electric vehicles, this project will help create a market for electric agricultural and freight equipment.